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General Packing Guidelines

The General Packaging Guidelines for International Courier

Are you planning to send a courier internationally but are lost on the guidelines to send an international courier? SFL Worldwide has been a leading logistics partner for international couriers and parcels since 2005. We deliver to over 200+ destinations around the world and get you discounted rates of up to 70% off from most major carriers, such as FedEx, DHL, and UPS.

This blog will help you understand the nuances of sending a parcel internationally, how to pack a parcel, and the packaging guidelines for all kinds of parcels, including freight packaging guidelines for heavy parcels.

How to Pack Your Parcel

Help your parcel get to your destination in an immaculate condition with this simple step-by-step guide on how to pack a parcel.

1. Choosing the Right Box

We highly recommend using new double walled boxes and avoid reusing old packaging to avoid damages in transit.

2. Use appropriate packing material.

Carriers calculate shipping prices by dimensional weight. Keep in mind that all packing material is calculated towards the weight of the package.

3. Bubble Wrap your package.

Use the right packaging material and bubble wrap your package for added protection and prevent shifting during transit.

4. Seal the box with the right tape.

To ensure that your package is secure until it reaches your final destination, seal your box tightly with the right tape for your packaging.

5. Remove old labelling.

The last thing you want is a delayed or returned package. Avoid delays by proactively removing old labels and attaching the right labels.

6. Write the correct address.

Improper spellings and zip code numbers can cause tremendous confusion in the final delivery. Provide the right address to ensure the package reaches the rightful receiver.

7. Work with a reputable shipping company

A reputable shipping company can help guide you through the entire process and provide you with the right information for sending a courier to any destination in the world.

Packaging Guidelines for Heavy Parcels

Every booking made on SFL Worldwide has a dedicated shipping advisor who guides you from planning, packing, and shipping your package safely and securely to the final destination.

  • Connect with your shipping advisor for packages weighing over 70 lbs to understand the accepted packaging method and rules that may apply for heavier parcels. 
  • Boxes play a critical role and face the brunt of a parcel’s journey. Use double or triple walled boxes that are built to handle and withstand the weight of your package.
  • Make sure that you utilise boxes that can hold the actual weight of the contents of your package. Check with the shipping advisor on the maximum acceptable limit for your package. 
  • As much as we are for sustainability in the shipping industry, we highly recommend our customers utilise brand new boxes, especially for heavier parcels, to avoid damages or weakening in transit. 
  • The taping method you use plays a key role in final delivery. Apply high-quality tape on your parcel and seal your parcel using an appropriate method, such as the H-tape method covering every edge.

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Additional Tips For International Parcels

While sending an international parcel seems like a fairly simple task, there are intricate nuances to keep in mind. Here are some additional tips when sending international parcels.

  • Is my parcel allowed to enter the destination country? What are some prohibited items for the destination country? These are some of the basic questions you need to address before packing your shipment. 
  • What are the shipping costs? Use our handy instant rate calculator to get instant quotes and exclusive shipping discounts from all major couriers, such as FedEx, DHL, and UPS.
  • Can the shipping company help with customs clearance? Ask your shipping advisor on the documentation necessary for customs clearance when booking your international parcel delivery. 
  • Provide a local contact number and email address for the receiver to the shipping company to coordinate final delivery or rescheduling in the event of a delay.

In a nutshell

With a careful examination and application of the above tips, you should be able to send your international courier easily and securely. We highly recommend entrusting your parcels with reliable and reputable service providers that help you from start to finish.

At SFL Worldwide, our shipping advisors go to extra lengths to ensure your parcels are packaged properly and that you have all the right documentation necessary to ship an international parcel. We have our in-house customs duty experts who help prepare customs documentation forms and clear your packages at the port.

Avail 70% off discounted rates from all major couriers by simply getting a quote here or call 1-800-691-2335 to make your booking today.

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